Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Austin American Statesman posted an article today regarding Vice-President Joe Biden's campaign finances during his run for the Presidency in 2008. During a recent audit, The Federal Election Commission fined the Vice-President over $200,000 for what they call "sloppy bookkeeping" and "excessive contributions". According to this recent audit the Vice-President received over $100,00 in donations, which exceed the limits. Also, the Federal Election Commission ordered that Biden pay $85,000 to the US Treasury for stale-dated checks. In addition, the Vice-President failed to disclose certain figures regarding payments and debts which were over $3 million in payments and over $800,000 in debts. Also, Biden accepted a deeply discounted rate for a round trip flight on a private jet. According to a spokeswoman for the Biden camp, the fines are normal after such an audit and that the amount is relatively small. She also said that the fines will be paid.

This is definitely a must read for all, because it brings to light the illegal and sly campaign financing of a very high elected official. It leaves a lot of unanswered questions as well. Like, how well did he and President Obama take care of their campaign finances as running mates? The Federal Election Commission has a very daunting task of keeping elected officials on the straight and narrow, however, how many of these elected officials are audited on a regular basis? It makes one wonder how many elected officials are receiving illegal contributions and getting away with it?

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